
Cookies are the Best Medicine

Yeah, yeah I know, laughter is supposed to be the best medicine, but who doesn’t love cookies? Especially when they make you laugh! It’s the best of both.

When I heard a very good friend of mine was spending some time in the hospital, I knew a get well soon cookie set was in order, but I wanted to do something a bit different. I could have chosen a multitude of adorable things to make, but I like to find ways to take less fun stuff and make it fun. What can I say I’m a sucker for a challenge.  No one likes taking medication, unless of course it’s prescribed by your baker.

Pill Cookies Get Well Soon|


Borrowing my idea from the pickle cookies I made a few months ago, I decided I really wanted to do cookies in a jar. I would again be traveling with them and it’s really the best way to keep them safe and fresh. Also it gave my husband a chance to get involved as he loves to make the labels. As he is a doctor this one was really right up his alley and he made sure to keep the label authentic. I on the other hand, am not a doctor, so I prescribed two kinds of pills and put them in the same jar. I’m sure that’s standard. Some people prefer capsules to tablets though, so I like to give options. This is probably why I am not a doctor or a pharmacist.

Prescription Cookies Get Well Soon|

I used sprinkles for the capsules which I thought was surprisingly realistic looking and also delicious. The nonpareils are one of my favorite types of sprinkle.

I didn’t get a great shot of the label, but it reads “Take as needed with tall glass of milk, chew thoroughly.”

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